Apocalyptichousewife.com Survival Guide
APOCALYPTICHOUSEWIFE.COM Debunking Zetatalk | Planet X | Hellion-1957 Event | Food Storage | Survival Guide
You have taken a positive first step in protecting yourself and your family. As you will see below, this Guide begins with a Table of Contents. For those who want to use it online, clicking on any link will take you to that section of the Guide. You should start with the Introduction section and then the Battle Plan section. The rest of the links in the Table of Contents contain more links to or in-depth information on their respective topics. If you read and follow the links in the Introduction section first, then read and explore those links, you will begin to acquire "prepper" terminology, which will assist you when you expand your research.
INTRODUCTION You should start by reviewing two websites with free information now. They are http://www.survivalblog.com and http://www.millennium-ark.net/News_Files/Hollys.html. We recommend that you start reading them every day. As you become curious about things, use the search feature and look up past articles. The editor/owner of survivalblog, Jim Rawles, is a very balanced, level headed person. This is not a lunatic fringe website.
The second site is Holly Deyo's and contains a lot of information on every aspect of preparedness. You don't have to look at everything all at once. The first link you should explore is the 72-hr Prep link in the left side bar. After clicking on it, explore the links in that section. If you don't have 72-hour "bug-out bags" for each member of your family, this will be your first task. You need to put them together. Be sure to bookmark both of these websites. Check out Holly's book, Dare to Prepare, as well. We think it is a good one to have in your library.
And, finally, not all links have been coded to automatically take you to the website, so you will have to copy the links and paste them in the address bar until I have time to finish hot linking them. Please report any broken links you find here.
BATTLE PLAN As mentioned above, the first thing you should do is prepare a bug-out bag for each member of your family. Each bag should contain items of each of the above-listed groups: food, water, etc. Read the specific recommendations in the Bug-Out Bag section below to accomplish this. Do this while you work on the next paragraph.
The next step is to decide how bad you think things will get. This will affect how extensively you will prepare. We believe a very long-term depression is beginning and are preparing accordingly. If you factor in a Planet X scenario, you can't prepare too much. You may want to read survivalblog a while and get a feel for what other people are doing.
Then you need to decide your location. You must decide, if you live in the city, whether you are going to try to ride out the storm in the city or whether you will relocate to the country (whether your own cabin in the woods, a small homestead farm, or grandma's house). This is a very important decision. You may want to get more information before making this decision. If the electricity goes off in the city, you will have no running water, no flush toilet, no security alarms, and so on. You will need to fortify your position. You will have to defend your life and property from gangs. And on it goes. So this is an area you will need to research before you make that decision. The easiest is to go to a friend or relative's house that lives in the country. But you still need to bring food, bedding, personal items, etc. It is much better to have your stuff pre-positioned. Here is an article "Avoiding Bugging Out" that argues against having "bugging out" as your primary plan. Here is another article weighing the pros and cons of a survival retreat v. neighborhood survival at "Survival Retreat vs. Neighborhood". Here is a Response to that article. They are all worth considering. Search survivalblog.com for more articles and check out Rawles' On Retreats and Relocations at http://www.cafepress.com/clearwaterpress.112255104.
If you do decide to stay in the city, you will need to form a community with like-minded individuals. There is no way a handful of people can guard 24/7. A very good book to read in this regard is Patriots, by James Wesley, Rawles. It is said to be a survival manual dressed as fiction. It follows several families from their preparedness planning into an economic collapse. It is available through amazon.com (click the Patriots link above) for $10.17 plus s&h.
Before continuing on, you should have a feel for how long you should prepare for and where you are going to be to ride out the storm. Preparing for long-term survival is no easy task. It takes organization.
We firmly believe in not reinventing the wheel, so a good place to start organizing is by making a master list. The Table of Contents above is a master list, as well as this "List of Lists". It is easy to become overwhelmed at how much difference there is between city living and self-reliant living, but take one one step at a time. A master list is the big picture. Each individual list will reflect the individual items you need to obtain or accomplish. On the linked "List of Lists," you don't have to get every single item on every single list. You have to decide what is right for you and your family. Use these organizational resources as examples and modify them to fit your particular need.
It has been said many times that you can live 3 weeks without food but only 3 days without water, so water is a very important commodity. It is also very heavy. Trying to store bulk water in a small space, especially upstairs, is not workable in any quantity. You have to have a source of water and then a way to purify it.
As an example of how lists work, we prioritized our Water list by going from inexpensive to expensive. We felt that stocking up on Clorox to clean river water should come before buying a Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter or Big Berkefeld water filter system because we could easily get the inexpensive Clorox in place, just in case things started heating up quickly--in other words, in case "the grits hit the fan"-- before we could complete our lists. So, on our Water list, several gallons of Clorox were listed first for cleaning water at home, and water purification tablets for our bug-out bags. That was easy. Later on, we acquired a Big Berkey and extra filters. And the Katadyn is still on the list, waiting for other lists to get their basics met before moving on to more expensive items. Some items we may never get if the grits hit the fan sooner rather than later.
So you get the idea of how to prioritize your lists. Cover all bases with the easiest-to-obtain items and then work your way up to more expensive items if you have the time and money.
Now, on to food. You should have energy bars and boxed water in your bug-out bags, and that's fine for 2 or 3 days, but for long-term preparations you need more variety and nutrients. Raising your own food is quite involved and since most people don't know how, we are going to give you a few basic ideas and principles to start your food storage program with what most people know. Much more detail will be found in the Food section.
1. Buy what you eat and eat what you buy. An emergency situation is no time to be introducing new kinds of foods, especially to children. We recommend buying your normal food, up to a one-year's supply. Canned foods (typical metal cans) store the longest, usually at least a year. Packaged foods, like cereal, potato chips, etc. store at most, 6 months. You have already been given one link (Holly Deyo's website above) and other links will be given later on that give you the specifics on the shelf-life of foods.
2. If you have the resources, acquire your extra food as quickly as possible. If you have limited resources, then look at your budget to see what you can cut out to make extra money to stock up on canned goods. If the budget is impossible, consider adults eating only two meals a day and saving one meal a day. Or you could fast one day a week. Fasting is good for your health and you could save one day's worth of food per week. Whatever you decide, it will be good training for hard times and help you lose weigh as well. If you are on food stamps (and many people are today) go to charity organizations and get what you can and stash some away.
3. The cheapest way to buy food is in bulk. A 50-pound sack of sugar or salt or beans or wheat or rice is a few dollars cheaper than buying a number of smaller packages. It is worthwhile to join stores like Costco or Sam's. Bulk grains and beans should be put into 5-6 gallon hard plastic buckets to keep rodents out. You can get them for free or very low cost at bakeries. You always want food grade buckets. We'll talk more about this further down.
4. Dollars add up. Save dollars everywhere you can. Watch your weekly ad sheets and clip coupons for food. There are also many coupon websites like http://www.couponmom.com from which you can print coupons. Search the internet for more websites like it. Save money by finding free things. Use websites such as http://www.craigslist.com or http://www.freecycle.com. There is a new, similar website to craigslist at http://www.gipperslist.com. Not much is happening in our area yet but we are in a rural area. So keep your eye on this one, as well.
5. Eat out at church pot-lucks or have meals with wealthier relatives or friends as often as you can and save the food you would have eaten at home.
6. Start eating cheaper foods now to make room in your food budget for extra canned goods.
7. DO NOT EAT OUT at restaurants. It's fun but it costs about three times as much. Look ahead to a time when you will be looking back and saying, "Gee, I wish I had bought canned goods instead of going to McDonald's or Outback or {your favorite restaurant}." Also, with the coming pandemic, you really should avoid public places. It was in the news recently that most restaurant workers come to work sick because they don't make any money if they don't.
8. Where to store all this food? When your kitchen cabinets get full, you can put excess food into boxes (grocery stores usually give them away, and apple boxes are best for strength and uniformity of size) and stack them in corners, in closets, behind furniture, under beds, even make a coffee table from six cases and drape it, side tables too. Along the way, you will see other creative ways to pack a lot of food in a small space.
9. Food in metal cans is safe from rodents, but not so packaged goods. Be sure to get some kind of rodent control in place, especially if you put your extra food in out-of-the way places like basements, attics, garages, etc., and store packaged foods in food grade buckets as mentioned above.
10. The cooler the temperature where food is stored, the longer the food will stay good. So don't store food in the attic in the summertime unless it is air conditioned. We will refer you to lists that explain this in more detail.
11. And finally, DO NOT TELL ANYONE (especially children) you have extra food because when the grits hit the fan, they will remember and come knocking on your door, but DO try to store extra to give away as charity if you can afford to do so.
So, this is your battle plan. It contains the basics to help you get your preparedness plan organized and in motion in the areas of food and water. There are other areas to prepare for and they will be addressed in the links below.
The next project, after preparing your bug-out bags, is to examine your budget to find pockets of money (see Budget section for some ideas) and then start collecting canned foods, foods you normally eat. Order Patriots and read it. Make your own Lists Of Lists and start compiling each individual list with what you now know. You will go back to those lists as you learn more to add more items and re-prioritize the lists.
You should also have a Skills List, which contains a list of skills you need or want to acquire. This could be emergency medical training, or learning how to home can foods, or learning how to shoot a gun. You need to sign up for classes as soon as possible because time is short. You can also search http://www.youtube.com for videos on how to home can foods or learn to prepare foods. For example, other cultures use flatbreads which most Americans probably don't know how to prepare. They are quick and easy to make in an emergency situation. Links will be provided below in the Food section.
If you plan to get firearms, you should give priority to getting them soon because of registration waiting periods. You can also consider non-firearm weapons such as bows & arrows, slingshots, traps, martial arts weapons (training in martial arts required), and other means.
Continue reading and exploring the websites above: http://www.survivalblog.com and http://www.millennium-ark.net/News_Files/Hollys.html until you feel ready to move on. After that, start exploring the rest of the links below, in the order you deem important.
Because we will be adding to this website from now through the end of 2009, you will be able to return to this page and check for updates at no extra charge. Keep your password in a safe place. Because the fee is so low, if you lose it, you will have to pay the fee again. We will reevaluate at the end of the year and decide what we will do for 2010, if the grits haven't already hit. If they have, just be sure you have plenty of canned butter, and salt and pepper. (This is a take on turning lemons into lemonade.) We sure do like grits! br
Good luck!
100 ITEMS THAT DISAPPEAR FIRST IN A DISASTER http://standeyo.com/News_Files/INFO_Files/100.items.html
BABIES Stock up on cloth diapers because disposables will be either unavailable or unaffordable. For those who have never used cloth diapers, this next website is informative. Check out the "New to Cloth Info" and FAQs links in the left column, then browse the products:
How to change a baby using "reusable wraps." (Video):
http://www.5min.com/Video/How-to-Change-a-Babys-Cloth-Diaper-149493300How to change a cloth diaper (Video):
http://www.howcast.com/videos/261-How-To-Change-a-Cloth-DiaperHere is a handy device that will make cleaning cloth diapers easier and more sanitary, and save your back:
The Potty Pail
http://www.pottypail.com/Frugal Baby Tips
http://frugalbabytips.blogspot.com/2009/05/diapering-diaper-sprayer.htmlBARTER http://www.survivalblog.com/2008/10/the_savvy_bartererreferences_s.html
Jim's Recommended "Be Ready to Barter" Reference Book List at
http://www.survivalblog.com/bookshelf.html (scroll down a ways)Barter From A Woman's Perspective
http://www.survivalblog.com/2009/08/barter_goods_a_womans_perspect.htmlBOOKS Below is a list of books recommended for your library. To save money, buy used copies through amazon.com when possible. We make no money from the sale of these books. The links are provided as a courtesy. We are trying to make your preps as affordable as possible.
1. An Encyclopedia Of Country Living, 10th Ed., by Carla Emery, available at http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Country-Living-Carla-Emery/dp/1570615535/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249722685&sr=1-1.
2. Anything by Peggy Layton, available at http://beprepared.com/search.asp?t=ss&ss=layton, http://www.peggylayton.net/ or new or used at http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=peggy+layton.
3. Official Government First Aid Manual at http://www.amazon.com/Official-Government-First-Aid-Manual/dp/1879582538/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249722792&sr=1-1 OR
American Red Cross First Aid and Safety Handbook at http://www.amazon.com/American-Cross-First-Safety-Handbook/dp/0316736465/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249723302&sr=1-3
4. Making the Best Of Basics by James Talmadge Stevens at http://www.amazon.com/Making-Best-Basics-Preparedness-Handbook/dp/1882723252/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249723687&sr=1-1
5. Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearney at http://www.amazon.com/Nuclear-War-Survival-Skills-Expanded/dp/094248701X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249723820&sr=1-1.
There is a free download at http://www.oism.org/nwss/ HOWEVER, we found the many illustrations easier to see in the book.
6. Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving (2006) at http://www.amazon.com/Ball-Complete-Book-Home-Preserving/dp/0778801314/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249724173&sr=1-3
Complete Guide to Home Canning and Preserving by the United States Department of Agriculture at http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Guide-Home-Canning-Preserving/dp/1607960230/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249724173&sr=1-4
(Buy used and get both.)
7. Dare to Prepare, by Holly Deyo at http://www.amazon.com/Dare-Prepare-Holly-Drennan-Deyo/dp/0972768858/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249726782&sr=1-1
8. Hesperian Publications: If you buy five or more copies of a single title you get a 20% discount. Get together with friends and neighbors to buy in bulk to save money at http://hesperian.org/Publications_and_Resources.php. Or you can buy a book set and receive up to an 18% discount. The titles you should focus on are Where There Is No Doctor, Where There Is No Dentist, Where Women Have No Doctor, A Book for Midwives, and any others you may want. All of these are free downloads from the Hesperian.org website. However, they are large books and it may be cheaper to buy the books rather than downloading them. You decide.
9. Storey Books (Storey Country Wisdom series) at http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw_4_6?url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=storey+books&sprefix=storey You decide what topics you want. In a nutshell, if you have two acres, you could run 3 or 4 goats, a flock of chickens and breed rabbits. These would give you meat, milk, and raw materials to make soap and other commodities. You would also be able to have a garden.
10. Garden manuals we have used are How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons (Ecology Action) at http://www.amazon.com/Vegetables-Berries-Thought-Possible-Imagine/dp/1580087965/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249725626&sr=1-1 and the Joy Of Gardening by Dick Raymond at http://www.amazon.com/Joy-Gardening-Garden-Way-Book/dp/0882663194/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249725734&sr=1-13
11. Boston's Gun Bible (2002), by Boston T. Party at http://www.amazon.com/Bostons-Gun-Bible-Boston-Party/dp/1888766069/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249726164&sr=1-1
12. If you live in areas subject to hurricanes, see Hurricane Proof: A Practical Guide For Tropical Disaster Management, by Alan Georges aat http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b?url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=boston%27s+gun+bible+
13. Survival: How A Culture Of Preparedness Can Save You And Your Family, by Lt. Gen. Russell Honore and Ron Martz, at http://www.amazon.com/Survival-Culture-Preparedness-Family-Disasters/dp/1416599002/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249726487&sr=1-4 This covers some US hurricanes and aftermaths. Interesting reading, but not required.
14. Modern Weapons Caching, by Ragnar Benson at http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Weapons-Caching-Down-Earth/dp/0873645839/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249769871&sr=1-1
15. Remember the SitRep you read? This is where you get the solutions to the problems presented therein: http://americanlanternpress.com/independent-living/store-scsgt.php?ref=LP903ZH.
16. Key points of various survival books is at http://www.nepanewsletter.com/survival.html.
Five Ways To Save $500 A Month
http://green.yahoo.com/blog/ecomii_healthy_living/6/five-ways-to-save-500-a-month.htmlHow to save money on gas
http://www.wikihow.com/Save-Money-on-GasHow To Save Money
http://www.ehow.com/how_2256041_save-money.htmlHow To Save Money
http://www.howtodothings.com/finance-and-money/a4159-how-to-save-money.htmFree Advice And Tips On How To Save Money
http://www.savemoney.com/How To Save Money At The Grocery Store
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/837712/how_to_save_money_at_the_grocery_storeHow To Save On Electricity Bill
http://www.howtosaveonelectricitybill.com/index.htmlHow To Save On Prescription Drugs
http://www.editorsweb.org/money/prescription-drugs.htmHow To Use Baby Websites To Buy Baby Products And Save Money
http://www.ehow.com/how_4582586_buy-baby-products-save-money.html13 Tips On Cutting The Family Budget
http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2009/moneymag/0909/gallery.monthly_savings.moneymag/index.html4 Tips For Saving $1,500/Year On Your Energy Bill
http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/107654/cut-your-energy-bills.html?mod=family-love_moneyHow A Family Shed $106,000 In Debt
How a Massachussetts Mom Feeds 6 On $4 a Week
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQNvdKNTZUg&feature=player_embeddedBUG-OUT BAGS A bugout bag is for evacuation rather than long-term survival. A definition is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug-out_bag.
A bug-out bag (B.O.B) should weigh as little as possible because if you have to carry it for any length, it gets very tiresome very fast, so when you get items for the B.O.B., keep this very important fact in mind.
A bug-out bag is just a backpack stocked with items you will need to survive if you have to "bug out" (leave quickly) from your location. You can buy nice internal-frame hiking backpacks or pick up a used backpack at your local thrift store. Pick a store near a college for the best selection, especially at the end of a semester.
There are two types of bug-out bags: grid up and grid down. Here are some thoughts for a grid-up bug-out bag: http://www.survivalblog.com/2006/02/david_in_israel_on_the_gridup.html.
A well-stocked B.O.B. will contain items in the following categories:
First Aid
Personal ItemsOur preferred vendor for storage foods and camping supplies is http://www.beprepared.com. They are also known as "Emergency Essentials." We have used them for years and they are ethical and ship quickly when times are normal, so we are going to use them to showcase the products we have purchased from them and share our experiences about the products.
To keep the pack light, stock it with high energy bars. Go to the website and search "high energy snack bars." They offer a variety of brands and flavors. Browse the product list to see what they offer. Be sure to buy one of each kind you are interested in and make sure you like the taste before you invest a lot of money. Choose a brand that states it is made to ensure it does not induce thirst because lack of water could be an issue in an emergency situation. You want to get a 3-day supply.
Now, search for "water" at beprepared.com and browse the pages of water products. They offer a variety of water filters, water purification tablets, and packaged water. Mainstay water pouches are the best value, but they also carry Aquablox.
The price of the Katadyn Pocket water filter (the best portable water filter in our opinion) has really gone up. We have found the best price on amazon.com at $216.00 (plus s&h). Search "Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter". You can also search the internet to see if you can find a better price. Also, try searching ebay where you can find new and used items. Be sure to buy at least one, and preferably two, spare filters.
Shelter can be as little or as much as you think you can carry. Again, beprepared.com is a good place to start looking. Search for "shelter". The lightest weight and cheapest shelter is a "tube tent". Having camped at the beach under one of these, we can tell you condensation will drip from the inside of the tent as morning approaches. We doubt it would hold up under heavy rain. However, anything is better than nothing and the principle of having some kind of shelter in place applies. If you can afford more, search "tents" on beprepared.com and the internet. Other ideas are the Space Brand All Weather Blanket ($12.95), which can also be used as an emergency shelter, as well as heat.
Other ideas for heat include the very affordable and lightweight "Emergency Blanket (Reflective)", also called a "space blanket." Having slept under one of these when napping during an all-nighter at work, we can say that these are not the most comfortable blankets in the world (kind of like sleeping under a sheet of aluminimum foil). They rattle when you move (and wake you up) and keep you so warm that you sweat. But they are very compact and lightweight, which is important in your B.O.B. bag. If you can make it work, a lightweight blanket between you and the space blanket makes it a more enjoyable experience. You also need a ground pad. Not only is that grounding from a lightning strike, it protects you from the cold and damp of the earth. The better the pad you get, the more protection you get.
You need to stay dry and warm when it rains or you will get sick, and you can't afford that in an emergency situation. Several varieties of rain poncho are shown in the "heat" product list. The ponchos are lightweight and compact and, while they will keep you dry, they don't stop the coldness of the rain from coming through. We recommend that you have a sweater or some kind of liner (newspaper works) between your clothes and the poncho for extra warmth.
Do a search on beprepared.com for "propane" and you will see some small-sized propane heaters and stoves. We don't have any of these so can't recommend one over another, but be advised they exist. Remember, though, the more "stuff" you have, the heavier the load to carry will be.
Transitioning now from heat to light, our favorite that covers both is the Dietz #2000 Millenium cooker and lantern. This lantern can also heat a cup of water. Some sources we have found doing a quick search is http://www.lanternnet.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=WKL&Product_Code=DHL2000&Category_Code=DL and http://www.bepreparedtosurvive.com/Lanterns%20fron%20Survival%20Resources.htm and http://www.sportsimportsltd.com/dietz-2000-millenium-cooker-lantern.html.
Each bug-out bag should have a flashlight and extra batteries. Make a yearly check of your B.O.B.'s to make sure food/water hasn't expired, or batteries either. Hand-pump flashlights are good to have as a backup. You should also have matches and a way to light a campfire (such as a magnesium fire-starter).
Moving on to hygiene, of course pack your deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. However, buy trial sizes (you can get at Wal-Mart) to save space. You can also get small plastic bottles in the same section to fill up with your favorite shampoos, conditioners, etc., if the trial sizes don't have the brand you like. Also at Wal-Mart, you can get camping toilet paper. These are small rolls, good for the B.O.B.'s. They also carry camping stoves and other camping items. Just look around and check it out to familiarize yourself with names and prices.
Speaking of toilet paper, what if you are out in the woods and there is no toilet available? You need a utility shovel to dig what is known as a "cat hole latrine". Here is a lesson on how to do that: http://shop.sportsmansguide.com/article/article_read.asp?aid=160914&sid=122&htl=%2Fcolumn%2Fcolumn_feature.asp%3Fsid=122. While the author states you can use a stick to dig the hole, we think a shovel is easier to use.
Carry several small waterless hand sanitizers in your B.O.B. to conserve water and trial-size packages of baby wipes (unscented) for bigger clean-ups. On the subject of unscented, try to get everything unscented. Some scents might attract animals.
Carry at least one change of socks and underwear, two is better. If you think you will need to wash clothes, carry a lightweight clothesline to throw the washed clothes over (this assumes washing clothes in a creek or pond). Plain old non-ultra Joy dishwashing liquid is good for washing clothes and kids in. If you can't find it at the supermarket, try your local dollar store (where we find ours).
Get first aid training. Classes are usually on-going at your local Red Cross chapter. Also, have a comprehensive First Aid guide in your B.O.B. A good one is the Official Government First Aid Manual at http://www.amazon.com/Official-Government-First-Aid-Manual/dp/1879582538/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249718890&sr=8-4. Get it used and save money.
You need a first aid kid. Many are available pre-made or you can make your own. Amazon.com has an assortment of kits at ttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b_3_13?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=first+aid+kit+backpacking&sprefix=first+aid+kit and so does beprepared.com at http://beprepared.com/category.asp_Q_c_E_180.
Now, on to money and communications. Yes, you need to have cash in your bug-out bag. It is better to have smaller denominations of paper bills and also have coins. You never know if your cell will work and you might need to use a pay phone, or there is a panic and the store you are buying the last can of beans doesn't have change for a $20.
Speaking of cell phones, beprepared.com has a generic cell phone charger you should check out at: http://beprepared.com/search.asp?t=ss&ss=charger. We also highly recommend that you have a battery-powered and/or hand-cranked radio with shortwave capabilities. There are many out there, so just look at beprepared.com or the internet and find a small one you like. As Jim Rawles of SurvivalBlog.com likes to say, "Two is one, and one is none." That is good advice, so get a backup one if you can.
Personal items are just that, things personal to you that you can't live without. Some examples are eyeglasses, prescription medications, braces, and so on. Look around your house, go through your drawers and your medicine cabinet. If you don't think you could live three to seven days without it, include it in your B.O.B.
Companies that have been around for at least 10 years are usually the reputable ones. As you search around for prices and availability, see how long a company has been in business. If they haven't been in business since y2k, then do a search for the "company name" and "complaints" or "consumer reports" to see if people are complaining. You can also find out where they are located and check with the Better Business Bureau of that locality.
CACHING Search the internet for "caching survival supplies"
Caching Your Goods
http://www.survival-center.com/guide/cache.htmHow to Build a Food Cache for Survival
http://www.trails.com/how_1287_build-food-cache-survival.htmlSurvival Defense: A remarkable story on caching firearms
http://www.destinysurvival.com/2009/01/17/survival-defense%e2%80%94a-remarkable-story-on-caching-firearms/Discover what to do to stash your firearms for survival
http://destinysurvival.com/2008/11/14/discover-what-to-do-to-stash-your-firearms-for-survival/CHILDREN When the electricity goes out, what will you do with the kids?
You should stock up on board games, athletic equipment (volleyball net, badminton set, basketball and hoop, football equipment, baseball equipment, horseshoes, etc.), books for entertainment, and lots of batteries to keep the electronic toys going while transitioning to a new lifestyle.
You should also plan to have home school materials so your children can continue their education. Here is a tool that may help you in this regard:
Download the exciting “Power Pad” from Greg [Evensen's] web-site, www.theheartlandusa.com. Web-cam e-mail is available at “Power Pad” as well. This is a FREE download. If the internet goes dark, this massive program will keep your children home-schooled. There are full copies of the Bible and many other features designed for your use. Join the tens of thousands who have already placed the “Power Pad” on their desktop. It is essential to do this and it’s FREE!!
Barter Goods: A Woman's Perspective
http://www.survivalblog.com/2009/08/barter_goods_a_womans_perspect.htmlBasic Survival Skills For Children
http://www.survivalblog.com/2009/08/basic_survival_skills_for_chil.htmlCOMMUNICATIONS http://endtimesreport.com/communications.html
Guide To Emergency Survival Communications
http://thelibertyman.com/esc.phpCOMMUNITY Peace Corps Remote Area Development Guide
http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED242881&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED242881DEATH When the infrastructure starts crumbling, people are going to die.
You need to be prepared for it, mentally as well as practically.
No pulse.
No respirations.
No heart sounds.
No pupil response to light.Hypothermia Note: Precautions need to be taken where the person concerned has been in the extreme cold, either the snow or very cold water. Severe hypothermia causes a profound slowing in the bodies metabolism and as a consequence can mimic death. Hence the saying "Your not dead, until your warm and dead ."
Extreme care needs to be taken in handling a very hypothermic patient as they are predisposed to developing ventricular fibrillation if roughly handled. But the goal is slow rewarming.
HANDLING A DEAD PERSON: The human body decomposes very quickly, especially in hot weather. A decomposing body rapidly becomes a health hazard. A dead person should be buried quickly, in a reasonably deep grave to avoid predat ion by scavengers. Most religions have short rites for the burying of the dead, but for the non-religious a favorite poem may be appropriate.
RECORDS: It is important to document the fact that someone has died, but also the circumstances of the death, your guess as to a cause of death and how the body was disposed of. This becomes important for legal reasons should things return to normal or in the case of an isolated expedition for the coroner on your return.
The encyclopedia on death, Death to Dust, is authored by Kenneth V. Iserson, M.D., who has a real "dead" sense of humor. The introduction is entitled "Dying to Know" and Chapter 1 is entitled "I'm Dead...Now What?" ;) A recent search for this book shows it temporarily out of stock at http://www.amazon.com/Death-Dust-What-Happens-Bodies/dp/1883620228/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1212544333&sr=1-1"%20target="_blank"
We haven't finished the book (821 pages), but have read up on the relevant topics. One thing is for sure, funeral homes rip the public off. However, when the grits hit we most likely will be on our own in this regard.
What happens to a body when it dies? It's not pretty. At first it stiffens as it cools off, then it starts decaying. Friendly flora in human intestines that helps humans when alive become predators after death. So putrefaction (rot) sets in. It creates gases that bubble the skin and eventually causes the skin to slip off. The internal organs liquefy. "Purge" exists through orifices and so on. It's ugly and smelly. The last organs to go are the uterus and prostate. They last for up to 12 months. This is one way a coroner can determine the sex of a corpse dead less than 12 months.
How long does it take a corpse to return to dust? The answer is 12-20 years depending on whether the corpse is an adult or child, what the grave temperature is, whether the body was obese (fat makes adipocere--a wax-like substance which inhibits putrefaction), etc. In Scotland, where graves are reused, a grave is considered "ripe" until it is at least 20 years old. Meaning if you open it before 20 years, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise. :-0!!
What if bodies are left unburied or uncremated? Wild animals and insects will feast on them. If the body was diseased, disease will spread quickly to humans. That is why dead bodies must be disposed of quickly.
As an example, it has been observed that "man's best friend" will devour you quickly when you die. One man's dog mutilated him within 45 minutes of his death at home. Firemen used to bring their Dalmation mascot with them on runs until they started following ambulances. They had to stop bringing the Dalmations because they go straight for dead flesh. Definitely, a public relations situation.
Okay, so you've got a dead body(ies) in your vicinity. What are you going to do with it(them)? You have two options, both requiring a lot of work: (1) you can bury it(them), or (2) you can cremate it(them).
(1) Burying requires digging a hole 6 feet down. You can either put the body in a shroud or in a pine box if you know how to build a pine box and can get ahold of pine boards. Either way, the corpse will decompose and bacteria could find it's way into the water table. Current laws require a concrete liner, but in the aftertimes that won't be possible. That's why option 2 is the better option.
(2) Cremation used to be called "the funeral pyre." is both an ancient and modern practice for the disposition of dead bodies. For the pyre, stack up lots of wood. It takes a lot of firewood, so if you are in an area that doesn't have a lot of trees, then this method should not be used. Then put the body on top of the wood and pour flammable liquid such as oil, motor oil, kerosene, heating oil, or charcoal on the body and the wood. Then ignite the fire. It is best to keep the fire burning as hot as possible. Do not use gasoline. This will destroy harmful germs quickly and won't contaminate the groundwater. Don't breathe the fumes, the smell of a burning human body is not only sickening, but could make you sick. Make sure the wind will carry the smoke away from your home (or camp). For detailed instructions on how to build a funeral pyre, see below. You can also use a furnace or incinerator if you have one available. A human body will be rendered into ash at 2,000 degrees for at least an hour. A funeral pyre probably would take longer since the temperature can't be controlled like in a crematorium. There may be bone parts mixed in with the ash. A crematorium will pulverize the bone so that it blends with the ash. There is no way you will have the equipment and supplies and know-how to embalm a body, so don't even think about it. It's complicated and requires special training. The only purpose of embalming is to delay the putrefaction process so that the funeral can take place 3-5 days after death. In a TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) situation, this won't be possible.
When dealing with dead bodies, wear a face mask and gloves and goggles. Depending on the state of decay, gasses could be a problem and you don't need something exploding and spewing in your face. Decontaminate yourself thoroughly after handling a dead body. You'll notice that the Bible has very If you happen to be near the ocean, feeding a corpse to the fish would be the easiest way to dispose of a corpse. However, if you are physically unable to do that or any of the above, the best thing to do is to wrap the corpse in plastic sheeting and move it as far away from your location as you can, preferably downwind and not near any body of water. Putting rocks over it (without burying it in the ground) would keep smaller animals from desecrating the remains and the plastic would keep the flies from crawling all over it. One thing to remember with any of these methods, except for burial at sea, is that you are leaving visible signs that someone is nearby. If this will be a security issue, then you must devise a plan to dispose of remains in a way that will be hidden from intruders.
If you are in a position to have a funeral, don't think about embalming the body. It is a complicated process and requires special training, material and equipment. The only purpose of embalming is to delay the putrefaction process so that the funeral can take place 3-5 days after death. In an emergency situation, this will not be possible. Any funeral would have to be done quickly followed immediately by disposition of the body.
Landfills are not a viable solution for the disposal of dead bodies either because not only of the presence of rats and smoke, but paper and plastic film dispersed by the winds, all of which could carry disease.
Composting (animal remains) is also a non-viable option. Flies, mosquitoes, rats, wildlife, and other vectors of disease transmission would be attracted to the compost pile and after a hearty lunch would spread disease. Large bones and hides will not compost easily, thus defeating the composting process.
As mentioned above, improper disposition of human (and animal) remains constitute a potential for ground and surface water contamination. Groundwater is contained in a geological layer called an aquifer. Aquifers are composed of permeable or porous geological material (materials that can be penetrated by liquids or gases) located at greater depths and, though somewhat protected, can still be contaminated when they are tapped for use or are close to a source of heavy contamination for a long time. And that, of course, leads to serious health concerns.
When dealing with dead bodies, always wear a facemask, clothing barrier, gloves and goggles. Depending on the state of decay, gasses could be a problem and you need to be prepared if something were to explode and spew in your face. Decontaminate yourself thoroughly after handling a dead body, as well as your equipment and clothing.
Every home should have a "Last Aid" kit containing the following items:
1. For burials:
A pick mattock;
A round and square-bladed shovel (one of each);Pre-made pine boxes that are easily screwed together and can be lain flat as a kit under the bed, or kept in the closet in a cardboard shipping (original) container. Needs only a few screwdrivers, and about 2 hours to assemble. No power tools needed. You could also make a coffin or two and use them as coffee tables or bookshelves or storage until they are needed (links below); Shroud material, or coffin lining material;
A grave site picked out in the backyard or a place in the city park or the local graveyard. Those on farms or ranches can utilize the "Back 40" for the family cemetery;
If there will be a viewing, put some glue on the lips of the deceased, otherwise the mouth can come open and scare people. There should be no viewing if the person died of an infectious disease. If death was caused by an accident and there is disfigurement, bandages could be placed or gauze placed to conceal the damage. Children should not be excluded from the grieving process and should not be lied to that "mommy is asleep" or "daddy is on a long trip." They can always tell something isn't right and will find out eventually anyway.
Several strong ropes for lowering the coffin into the grave site.
A marker of some type, if desired.
2. For incineration / funeral pyres:
Flammable liquids (as described above);
Fire (matches, BBQ lighters, etc.).3. For situations that are not TEOTWAWKI scenarios wherein the government remains intact (such as might occur in a bird flu pandemic), the following will help the authorities with identification:
A complete set of identification and papers should be kept with the body; and All medicines the deceased was taking, placed in a Ziploc bag along with an envelope containing the papers that describe the medicines and put with the body (this could help with further identification as well as an autopsy).
4. As a person nears death, several changes of bedding and blankets should be neatly folded, laundered and ready for changing. When a person is at the point of passing away, the bowel and bladder functions naturally release the sphincter muscles and discharge will follow.
Remember, the same bed will likely be reused, so it is best to encase the mattress in a protective cover. Burn the plastic cover after the person dies and disinfect the mattress.
Soiled laundry should not be re-used if it can't be cleaned with bleach. If the deceased person died from an infectious disease, soiled laundry should be burned. Always take standard precautions (gloves, goggles, clothing barrier) when handling infected materials.
5. Bodies should be disposed of within 24 hours, if at all possible. Sooner, if death was caused by a contagious disease or the outside temperature is hot.
6. If it is winter or you are in a cold climate, a body can stay frozen, but needs to be disposed of before it thaws.
7. Get some books on grieving, how to conduct a funeral, etc. and get educated so when death comes you will be prepared to deal with it mentally and emotionally. With that taken care of, you will be better equipped to assist all affected by death.
Unstable times are upon us. Things like funerals may become a thing of the past in order to just survive. The most important thing to focus on is preparing yourself mentally and emotionally in advance for the prospect of death, including perhaps your own or your loved ones. Education and preparation are vital so that you will be able to continue functioning in a survival situation.
How to Build a Funeral Pyre
How to Build a Coffin (has links to other articles as well as listing several interim uses for a coffin)
Coffins, Shrouds, Green Burials, Books on Death/Dying, etc.
"On Death and Dying", Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D.
"Death to Dust: What Happens To Dead Bodies", Kenneth V. Iserson, M.D.
DEFENSE Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse, by James Wesley, Rawles
http://www.amazon.com/Patriots-Novel-Survival-Coming-Collapse/dp/156975599X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249761456&sr=1-1Search the internet for various topics such as firearms, defense
http://www.survivalblog.comSelf-Defense With A Cane Or Walking Stick(Part 1)
http://ejmas.com/jnc/jncart_barton-wright_0200.htmSelf Defense With A Cane Or Walking Stick (Part 2)
http://ejmas.com/jnc/jncart_barton-wright_0400.htmWeapons and accessories, camping and survival gear
http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/Miles Stair's "Home Defense" Page
http://www.endtimesreport.com/homedefense.htmlESSENTIAL OILS In ancient civilizations essential oils were the gold of the gods. Essential oils are good for many things, including insect bites, snake and spider bites and many health issues. The science of essential oils is embraced in the field of study called aromatherapy. Essential oils are NOT new age. They have been the medicine of many civilizations. Essentials oils and herbs will become the medicines for the people of earth when the infrastructure crashes. Essential oils are chemically highly complex. It is difficult for bugs to find a way (mutate) around them. It has been said that essential oils are the immune system of plants. That's why they are so effective.
There are various grades of essential oils ranging from the lowest grade (perfume) to the highest grade (medicinal or therapeutic). Just because something is labeled "aromatherapy" does not mean that it contains high-quality essential oils. For health issues, you absolutely want the highest-grade essential oil you can get. These are called "medicinal grade" or "therapeutic grade".
If doctors and hospitals and pharmacies are not available, we (as a society) are going to have to learn how to treat our common aches and pains and infections. A good book for your home library is What To Do When Antibiotics Don't Work: How To Stay Alive and Healthy When Infections Strike at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0972019405/ref=sip_pdp_dp_0#.
Most of the information we're sharing below comes from "The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy" by Valerie Ann Worwood at http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Book-Essential-Oils-Aromatherapy/dp/0931432820/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249744235&sr=1-1, and is a good book to also add to your home health library.
There are essential oil recipes for the flu in the Flu section below.
Mosquitoes carry not only West Nile Virus, but also Malaria and Dengue Fever, among others. Essential oils are good for various insect bites and use as insect repellants.
If you've been bitten by a mosquito, use neat (undiluted) lavender oil on the bite. Lavender has exceptional antimicrobial properties.
If you've been bitten over a large area take 1 cup of cider viegar or the juice of 2 lemons and add to it 10 drops of lavender and 5 drops of thyme. Put this mixture in a bath, swishing the water around before you get in. Afterwards, apply neat lavender oil to all the bites. Each night rub your body with the following oil formula:
Lavender 10 drops
Eucalyptus 10 drops
Thyme 10 drops
Lemongrass 5 dropsDilute in 2 tablespoons olive oil (or any vegetable or massage carrier oil).
As a general rule, use lemongrass or citronella to keep insects at bay, using the airborne methods--the room methods of steam bowls, heat source, paper strings at the windows, on light bulbs, both inside and out, or on ribbons hung from trees or any other atmospheric method. Also, as long as electricity is available, electric diffusers/nebulizers are excellent and a much easier way to keep the air diffused (see discussion below).
Insect Deterrent Blend
Thyme 4 drops
Lemongrass 8 drops
Lavender 4 drops
Peppermint 4 dropsAnd for any flying insect, be sure you buy enough netting to cover your beds (see http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/CAMP250-1.html) and screens for any openings to your house. If an emergency comes during insect season, and you end up not at home, having netting in your bug-out bags will make your life at lot less miserable. We also have head nets that go over our outdoor hats. Our old source no longer carries them, but cheaperthandirt.com has something similar at http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/54422-1.html and http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/54462-1.html. These actually may be better since the eyes aren't covered, but under-the-hat nets fit closer to the face than the kind that go over the hat, so take that into consideration also.
If many animals die in a short period of time such as an earth change situation, flies will breed in the carcasses and will multiply geometrically. Flies carry disease.
One disease is bacillary dysentery. It is carried in contaminated water and food, and the flies spread it. It can also be spread by human contact. It is infectious. It must be treated by a doctor, as saline injections may need to be given. (It is possible that a saline solution could also be given rectally. Check your medical books and check with your doctor because we are not doctors and are only passing on information from books we have read, many of which are on the Books list.) The sufferer must be isolated and the room sprayed with thyme and lavender. Add the following oils to the bath:
Thyme 5 drops
Lavender 5 drops
Ginger 4 dropsIf muscle pains occur use the three oils above in a massage oil in equal parts. Lavender may ease the headache and high temperature but if it doesn't, use peppermint oil instead--put one drop on your fingers and rub along the base of your skull and around your temples.
Fly Deterrent
This just encourages flies to not enter your airspace and is definitely the optimum route to take, an ounce of prevention in the aftertimes will worth pounds of cure, many of which may not be available. [recipe coming]
Lavender has long been used effectively against the venom produced by the adders of mountainous regions of Europe. In case of any kind of bite, get professional medical help quickly, if at all possible. In the absence of professional medical help, suction the bite with a Sawyer Extractor pump kit available at http://www.sawyer.com/products.htm#014 and put high grade (therapeutic) lavender essential oil on the wound to prevent infection in the wound site. Lavender oil is reputedly an antidote to the bite of the black widow spider, as well. For these kind of applications, you always want the medicinal or therapeutic grade of essential oils. Lesser grade oils tend to not work as well, if at all. But use what you have, in any case. Cinammon was reported anecdotally to have drawing powers to help draw the poison out.
How to tell if a person has been bitten by a venomous snake: if there are two puncture wounds, then it is probably poisonous. If it is two rows of teeth marks without two puncture wounds, then it probably is not venomous.
Whichever it is, treat it like it is poisonous, but don't panic (as much) if there are no puncture wounds. Get to a doctor ASAP.
Wash the bitten part with whatever liquid you can find. DO NOT MOVE the bitten part as it might cause the venom to spread. Apply lavender essential oil as much and as often as needed. Tie a bandage around the bitten area to slow down the circulation.
We also recommend that you have several snake bite kits, especially if you anticipate no doctor being available. The Sayer suction kit is recommended. It is a bit costly, but more effective in removing venom.
Solder has been credited with saving a woman's life from a brown recluse spider bite. It has a drawing power.
Lavender oil is the #1 essential oil to stock in your first aid kit. Other essential oils to include are: Tea Tree, Peppermint, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Rosemary, Thyme, Lemon, Clove.
Be sure to get an encylopedic (everything-you-need-to-know-in-one-volume) book on essential oils so you will know how to properly apply them. Search amazon.com for "aromatherapy" and find one you like. The one mentioned above is a good first start. When we get time, we will inventory our library and post it here.
The methods of transport of essential oils, generally speaking, is ingestion (by mouth, but please have a trained aromatherapist help you with this until you become very familiar with essential oils), mixed with cold-pressed oils and applied topically (rubbed on your skin), and inhalation (which is what a nebulizer does, it diffuses the small oil particles into the air to breathe).
As I mentioned earlier, Hartz Mountain flea and tick medicine almost killed my cat. However, essential oils cannot be used on cats. They cannot metabolize the oils and the oils will make a cat sick, or kill it. However, it is okay for dogs and other animals. Get a good book on aromatherapy and animals such as http://www.amazon.com/Holistic-Aromatherapy-Animals-Comprehensive-Essential/dp/1899171592/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1250585745&sr=1-2.
An essential oil flea collar provides excellent protection against fleas and is very cheap and easy to make. Buy a soft material collar and soak it in the following mixture:
Alcohol 1/2 teaspon
Cedarwood 1 drop
Lavender 1 drop
Citronella 1 drop
Thyme 1 dropMix with 4 garlic capsules OR 2 drops of the following mixture: 1 teaspoon vegetable oil in which 1 drop garlic essential oil has been diluted. If you are using the garlic capsules, break them open and add the contents to the mixture. Blend ingredients together and pour it over the collar until fully absorbed. Let it dry before putting around your pet's neck. It should be effective for one month. Add 1 or 2 capsules of garlic (depending on pet's size) to your pet's diet during the spring and summer. Fleas don't like garlic and will leave your pet if garlic is detected in your pet's blood.
Ticks -- do not pull out (it will leave the head embedded). Touch it with a cigarette or 1 drop of thyme. It will fall off. Apply 1 drop of lavender every five minutes to a total of ten to avoid infection and reduce pain and swelling. We assume that the thyme application will work for pets as well as humans. Sawyer Outdoor Products (in the Links list) sells tick pliers, guaranteed to get the head off.
If you all saw Stephen King's mini-series (or read the book) "The Stand" you will remember the guy who died of appendicitis. It's a simple operation, if doctors and hospitals are available.
We have found one report, anecdotal, on curing appendicitis without surgery. We have tried finding it again with no luck, so we are going on memory here.
A man posted that he had had lower right quadrant abdominal pain. He couldn't get to the hospital. He rubbed Thieves oil on it (a blend made available through Young Living Essential Oils). It took a while (days) but eventually the pain went away. When he was able to get to the doctor, he told him what he had used. The ingredients of Thieves oil are: clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus radiata and rosemary. A recipe was posted above (but we doubt it is the YLEO formula, as that is proprietary). There are various recipes on the internet; however, it was the Young Living blend that purportedly averted appendicitis.
The guy's doctor speculated that it was the cinnamon, because cinnamon has properties that could have opened up the appendix enough to drain the infection out.
True or not? We don't know. The guy may not even have had appendicitis. We have no way of knowing, but what we do know is that if any of us gets lower right quadrant pain and there is no doctor or hospital available but there is a bottle of Thieves oil, we certainly will use it. Better than Gary Sinise playing doctor and killing you.
NOTE: Appendicitis is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY and if you can get to a doctor or hospital, then that is what you need to do ASAP. Trying surgery when you are untrained and don't have the equipment, sterile environment, supplies and personnel support will most likely kill a person. Two rules doctors subscribe to: (1) Do no harm and (2) When in doubt, do nothing. Good advice to remember.
Lavender is gentle and can be applied directly to the skin. However, most essential oils need to be mixed with a carrier oil (cold-pressed olive oil, or massage carrier oils like jojoba, grapeseed, and almond oils) because they are an irritant, meaning that if you apply it directly to your skin, you will get skin irritations. Most essential oils are to be used topically, meaning applied to the skin only. Some essential oils (mostly citrus and one other) are photo-sensitive, which means don't go out in the sunshine if you have these oils on exposed skin.
Some essential oils can be used in cooking, such as clove, lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc. Use the toothpick technique otherwise you end up with way too much oil in the sauce. One drop of oil is very concentrated. Mix a drop of essential oil with a drop or two of cold-pressed olive oil and blend. Then dip a toothpick into the mixture. Then swirl the toothpick into the sauce or whatever you are making. Otherwise, you should be very careful when ingesting essential oils. They are very, very concentrated. They should be treated as the potent medicines they are and secured away from children. It is best to have an encylopedic-type book on Aromatherapy on hand to refer to so you will know how to properly handle essential oils.
If you are considering an electric diffuser/nebulizer, then read on. If not, you can skip this last section, unless you want a remedy for sleeplessness or snoring caused by congestion.
We got our favorite nebulizer from Aroma Therapeutix at http://www.aromatherapeutix.com/. Our favorite is an ultrasonic diffuser. It's the middle one with the blue light.
We have never used Aroma Therapeutix oils so you will have to inquire about the grade. They say "pure" but that does not necessarily mean they are therapeutic grade, it just means that there is nothing else in the bottle but what is on the label. You have to ask: "Are your oils therapeutic (or medicinal) grade" to cut through the ambiguous language. If their oils are not therapeutic or medicinal grade, then try Young Living Essential Oils who only carry therapeutic grade and manufacture many of their own. These are excellent oils and have done what was said they would do. This is one area we don't go cheap on. Expect to get what you pay for.
If money is an issue, then get a brand new plant sprayer and fill it with distilled water and 40-60 drops of your chosen essential oils, shake often and spray the air in each room several times a day.
Chronic snoring as well insomnia were alleviated with a nebulizer. Use 4-6 drops each of lavender and eucalyptus. The lavender calms and encourages sleep, and the eucalyptus opens nasal/sinus passages to allow easier breathing when you are congested.
Interesting anecdote. We started using a nebulizer late January 2002 after we had already had the 2001-2002 flu. We haven't had the flu since. We really think it is the essential oils.
Homemade sanitary pads
http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/sanitarypads.htmDon't want to make your own pads?
http://www.thekeeper.com/pads/The Keeper Reusable Menstrual Cup and the Keeper Mooncup
http://thekeeper.com/Here are suggestions for combating the flu:
1) Preventative: colon cleanse, liver cleanse, natural diet (eliminate white sugar and white flour from your diet). Your immune system cannot fight the flu as well if your body is bogged down with toxin waste.
2) Drink at least 8 cups of water a day (64 ozs.). Purified water and/or decaf green tea are the best choice. Drinking enough water flushes toxins from your body and as flu viri die toxins are massively produced.
4) Boost your immune system: Take Vitamin C, the amino acid lysine, a high-potency multivitamin/multimineral tab, a calcium/magnesium supplement (more on magnesium below at #3), other anti-viral agents such as l-proline and l-glycine (amino acids), turmeric extract capsules, ginger capsules, garlic capsules, 15mg zinc/1-mg copper capsules or tabs, oil of oregano (organic if possible), decaffeinated green tea extract, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and non-GMO soy protein drink concentrate (organic is best). Read the following article (link below the quote) for warnings to pregnant mothers, dosing information, and other vital information.
"For people who have weakened immunity and are vitamin C deficient, this influenza likely kills it victims by rapidly depleting ascorbate (vitamin C) stores in the body, inducing scurvy and collapse of the arterial blood supply, causing internal hemorrhaging of the lungs and sinus cavities.
"Most people today have barely enough vitamin C in their bodies (typically 60 mg per day) to prevent scurvy under normal living conditions, and are not prepared for this kind of illness."
5) Vitamin D. See these articles at
http://www.uvadvantage.org/portals/0/pdf/NEJournalofMedicine.pdf, and
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5bp8qb3Gck.According to Dr. Cannell, "Stock your home's pharmacy with several fresh bottles of 50,000 IU capsules of Vitamin D3 (a medicine at this dosage, not a supplement) and if you get this flu, take 2,000 IU kg of body weight per day for a week. As I weigh 220 pounds, I would take 200,000 IU per day for seven days if I thought I had an infection with a 1918-like influenza virus." [This is an adult dosage available at https://secure.bio-tech-pharm.com/detail.aspx?product_id=20&cat_id=2&subcat_id=0.]
6) "When the flu strikes, ... electrolyte abnormalities, mainly hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia [arise and] are associated with an increased risk for complications like developing cardiac arrhythmias. Magnesium replacement reduces morbidity and prolonged hospitalization from atrial fibrillation or mortality from sustained ventricular arrhythmias. ... Due to lack of magnesium the heart muscle can develop a spasm or cramp and stops beating. Most people, including doctors, don't know it but without sufficient magnesium we die." --From Viral Poppycock, by Dr. William Campbell Douglass II at http://rense.com/general85/viral.htm.
7) Essential Oils: Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree (melaleuca alternafolia). You can diffuse these in your house and car to keep the air clean. If you get congestion or have respiratory symptoms rub Eucalyptus mixed with a little olive oil on your chest. You can also add 3-5 drops to a bowl of steaming water. Put a towel over your head and the bowl and inhale while it is steaming. Obviously, hold the bowl far enough away from you face so you do not get burned. Other oils to use are Young Living's "Thieves Oil" or make a "thieves' vinegar." There are a number of recipes. One recipe is at http://www.kitchendoctor.com/articles/four_thieves.html.
Adding to the lore mentioned on this site, there was a town in England during the black plague years that had many lavender plants around it, so the air was perfumed with the scent of lavender. The people in this town did not have the death rate of the other nearby towns, presumably because of the lavender which "scrubs" the air of bacteria, viruses, and other airborne germs. This is why sanitaria tend to be in mountainous, alpine areas.
8) Another recipe for "Thieves oil" is at http://stevequayle.com/News.alert/06_Prep_tips/090427.oils.html. We will repeat the recipe here in case the internet goes down:
Clove oil (syzgium aromaticum) 200 drops or 1/2 oz.
Lemon oil (Citrus limon) 175 drops
Cinnamon Bark oil (Cinnamoomum verum) 100 drops
Eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus radiata) 75 drops
Rosemary oil (Rosimarinus officinalis) 50 dropsPlace into a small dark-colored (brown or blue) bottle. "This blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils was tested at Weber State University for its potent antimicrobial properties. Thieves oil was found to have a 99.96% kill rate against airborne bacteria. The oils are highly anti-viral, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, and anti-infectious."
We suggest that you invest in a nebulizer with a timer and keep it running day and night during the flu season. Our favorite nebulizer is showcased at http://www.aromatherapeutix.com/catalog/category8/product168. It's good to have a spare because you don't want to be in the middle of a pandemic and have your nebulizer break (though ours has been running nightly for years and hasn't broken yet) or worse, the electricity goes out, you can also put the oils in a small spray bottle and mist the air in your home, around your work space, and in your car. Another idea the article suggests is to place the mixture in a pan of water (or, we add, a teakettle used for humidifying the air) and place on a wood stove.
If you get ill, apply a few drops of the Thieves oil to the bottom of your feet or on your abdomen and rub it into your skin 2-3 times a day. Remember: oil and water do not mix. If an oil burns you, rub olive oil (or some other non-essential oil) where it burns and that should relieve it. Flushing it with water will not work.
9) New Super Silver Solution or ASAP Silver Solution (both patent pending and doctor-tested). ASAP is athttp://www.beprepared.com and Super Silver Solution info is at http://www.survivalcenter.com/asap.html.
10) Sambucus (Sambucol), available athttp://www.vitacost.com/Natures-Way-Sambucus-Syrup-Original. This was developed by a virologist and tested against the bird flu (in birds). It was found to be very effective (for birds). Read the human reviews.
11) Sauerkraut!
Sauerkraut could fight bird flu, say scientists
By Jasper Copping, originally at
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/11/13/nsauer13.xmlIt was found to cure bird flu in birds.
_________________________________________________________Home-made sauerkraut recipe
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=GFM5VUDZSQ 4BHQFIQMFCFF4AVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2005/11/13/nsauer113.xml
(Filed: 13 November 2005)To make your own sauerkraut, follow this recipe, which should give you up to 30 servings.
You will need a large pot and a plate that fits inside it, a cloth and large weight (approx 8lb)
• 5lb of cabbage
• 3 tbs salt (use sea salt)
• 3 apples
• 10 cracked juniper berriesFor flavour, you can add onions, garlic, seaweed, grated carrots, Brussels sprouts or turnips.
Shred the cabbage and mix with the salt - the salt draws water from the cabbage and creates the brine in which it ferments and sours without rotting.
Next add slices of apple and cracked juniper berries.
Put the mix into the pot, leaving 2in at the top. Cover with a wet linen cloth and place the plate on top.
Put the weight on top of the plate. This will force the brine to rise high enough to reach the cloth.
Leave the sauerkraut to ferment, but skim off the scum from the surface every other day.
Replace the damp cloth frequently.
At 16C (60F), the fermenting process will take at least a month. A higher temperature will speed up the process, but the flavour will not be as good, so it is best to leave your sauerkraut in a cellar or larder.
Once fermentation is finished, place the sauerkraut in a pan and bring to the boil over a medium heat.
Remove from the heat and ladle the hot sauerkraut into jars.
The finished product can be eaten cold, but is more often warmed up. A traditional serving suggestion is to heat sauerkraut with pieces of bacon and a liberal dollop of goose fat.
12. The 5 Best Antiviral Products at http://www.naturalnews.com/RR-FiveBestAnti-ViralProducts.html.
13. Homeopathy. Read this article: http://www.drbuttar.com/blog/2009/05/swine-flu-and-the-great-flu-pandemic-of-1918-19-the-similarities-and-what-history-can-teach-us/. We use Washington Homeopathy Products at http://www.homeopathyworks.com/.
14. Survivalblog's Protecting Your Family From An Influenza Pandemic at http://www.survivalblog.com/asianflu.html. Note: This has an oral rehydration solution recipe, repeated here in case the internet goes down (and you have printed this Guide):
1/2 TEAspoon of salt
2 TABLEspoons honey, sugar, or rice powder
1/4 TEAspoon potassium chloride (table salt substitute)
1/2 TEAspoon trisodium citrate (can be replaced by baking soda)
1 quart of clean water15. Survivalblog also posted this WARNING about elderberry syrup (Sambucol or Sambucus) inducing cytokine storms (which is what the flu might do): http://www.survivalblog.com/2009/04/letter_re_sambucol_and_the_cyt.html.
The fluwiki.com link no longer works but the pertinent part was copied to survivalblog. In case the internet goes down, it is repeated here: "However, elderberry also increases cytokine production. One specific concern with H5N1 infections is the possibility that this strain of flu may induce cytokine storm, leading to ARDS and the high mortality associated with it. It is unknown if the increased circulating cytokines that elderberry and other alternative medicines induce could increase a victim's risk of cytokine storm. Medical science does not currently know the exact mechanism that triggers cytokine storm. We cannot say if increased cytokine levels before or during infection is a risk factor for ARDS or an effect of some other mechanism that begins the inflammatory cascade that results in it. High cytokine levels are documented to be associated with ARDS, but causation is unknown..."
16. Information from Survivalblog from people who have worked with the N95 Respirator/Masks at http://www.survivalblog.com/2009/07/three_letters_re_n95_masks_for.html.
17. Note: Paragraph # 11 above mentions that airborne viruses are small enough to pass through the N100 respirator/masks. The masks are good to stop airborne spittle, which is some help, but a cheaper cloth mask can do the same thing.
18. And if you are forced to take the vaccination, instructions from a doctor on how to mitigate (lessen) the adverse (bad) effects are in this article: Russell Blaylock, MD: What To Do If Forced To Take A Vaccination at http://rense.com/general87/vaccin.htm.
FOOD All the Food sections have been moved to:
https://apocalyptichousewife.angelfire.com/antsinyourpantry.htmlHEAT For thousands of years, the work that humans needed to do was powered directly by plants and animals. People burned wood, peat, or cow dung for heat and light, and tilled their fields with a plow pulled by a horse or cow. In some parts of the world, these fuels or sources of power are still used.
From a now-defunct website, http://www.ricksteves.com/videos/eturkscr.htm, "In a land where wood is scarce, dung is used. The manure of two cows can keep an entire family in heat and fuel. Dry the dung in the sun. Cow dung mixed with water and some additional straw is made into dung cakes for fuel.
Heat of dung-fueled fires at http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~nmiller0/dung.html (scroll down).
How to start a fire at http://www.aircav.com/survival/asch07/asch07p01.html. You can also use dried pine needles to tinder, and dried pine cones to kindling.
How To Build A Deluxe Barrel Stove
http://www.backwoodshome.com/articles2/lee108.htmlHERBS Start-up Information On Herbal Remedies
http://www.survivalblog.com/2009/03/herbal_cures_at_your_doorstep.htmlA Modern Herbal, by Mrs. M. Grieves
Free online, just remember it was written with the conventional wisdom of the early 1900's. However, one of the comments stated that there is lots of useful and hard-to-come-by information (like dosages) in it. We've seen it on bookstore clearance tables for $5 at times. The book is also available used at http://www.amazon.com/modern-herbal-properties-cultivation-scientific/dp/0880299215/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249728840&sr=8-2 for under $10. Buying the book is probably cheaper than printing it from the web. It's a large book.HUMOR You might be a survivalist if...
http://www.survivalblog.com/2007/04/you_might_just_be_a_survivalis.htmlLIGHT We have several Aladdin lamps. While lovely to look at, the mantles (the part that gives the light) are extremely fragile and break easily. We have a Petromax and agree it is the best of the pressure lanterns. Suspended from the ceiling, it lights your living room like an electric light bulb. We are in the process of researching LED lighting. It uses very low energy. We also have the electric and solar battery chargers and NiCad batteries. You should also stock candles, regular oil lamps (like from Lamplight Farms http://www.lamplight.com/Consumer/default.aspx, you can get at Wal-Mart), light sticks for emergencies, etc.
Check out this page on lighting: http://endtimesreport.com/lighting.html.
LINKS www.survivalblog.com
"The daily web log for prepared individuals living in uncertain times"
Covers technical issues such as guns, power, fuels, as well as everything else under the sun.
Has a non-fiction writing contest and awards valuable prizes.www.endtimesreport.com
"A guide to self-reliant living"
Covers all the basics with lots of practical how-to's.www.frugalsquirrels.com
"An online community dedicated to crisis preparedness, self-sufficiency and sustainability"www.backwoodshome.com
"Practical ideas for self-reliant living"
Homesteading, self reliance, self sufficiency, country living, how-to, alternative energyhttp://standeyo.com/News_Files/Hollys.html
Covers many preparedness issues, including relocation, crafts and skills, surviving in the city, practical preparedness tests, Outback survival skills manual, emergency shortwave listening frequencies, and lots more!www.hillbillyhousewife.com
$45 emergency menu for 4-6 people, homemade convenience foods, frugal homemade remedies, lots of recipes, money-saving tips, free newsletter, blog, generic bread machine instructions, and more
(Though a similar name, apocalyptichousewife.com is not affiliated with hillbillyhousewife.com)www.nitro-pak.com
Over 50,000 preparedness items in stock: MRE's, long-term storage foods, etc. Also has swine flu info, FEMA "Level Red" supplies, N95-N100 respirators, night vision, and much, much more.www.beprepared.com
Long-term storage food, camping/survival supplies.http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/
Weapons and accessories, camping and survival gearhttp://www.sawyer.com/products.htm#014
Sawyer Extractor Pump kit (for bites), tick pliers, etc.www.waltonfeed.com
Been around a long time. Excellent reputation. Long-term food storage.www.lehmans.com
Been around a long time. Excellent reputation. Amish technology.http://www.greatdreams.com/survival.htm
Earth Changes, Survival & Self Sufficiency Linkshttp://www.motherearthnews.com/
"The original guide to living wisely."http://www.seedforsecurity.com/
Lots of garden and farm pictureshttp://thelibertyman.com/esc.php
Security, Guns, Etc.MEDICAL Hesperian Foundation
Free Downloads. Recommended: Where There is No Doctor, Where There is No Dentist, Where Women Have No Doctor, A Book for Midwives, Sanitation & Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment, Water for Life. A very worthwhile organization. Donate to them if you can.Survival and Austere Medicine
Free download at either of the sites. It is 213 pages, so may be cheaper to buy the book.
The book is available cafepress.com for cost ($13.90).MedicalCorps
Classes in Emergency Medicine, Combat Medicine, Medical Response in a Hostile Environment, Emergency Dentistry. Anyone can attend. Prior medical knowledge not required. Reputable provider. If you don't know what "KI" is, then you should read up on it on this website.Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Food Supplements" by James F. Balch and Phyllis A. Balch at http://www.amazon.com/Prescription-Nutritional-Healing-Z-Supplements/dp/1583333169/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249740753&sr=1-5
Obtaining medications can be difficult. The problem is two-fold. First is access and second is cost. Below are some suggestions for legally obtaining medicines for use in a survival medicine situation.
* Talk to your doctor. Be honest explain exactly why and what you want, that you want to be prepared for any disaster and have some important basic meds available, for if medical care isn't freely available. Demonstrate an understanding of what each drug is for and that you know how to safely use it. Most MD's would probably be very supportive. Although, I would suggest that you don't request narcotics the first time. Then return the meds when they have expired, this will confirm that you are not using them inappropriately.
* Discuss with your MD your plans for a trekking holiday. Most MDs recognise the importance of an adequate medical kit if you are travelling in the 3rd world or doing isolated backpacking. Most would prescribe antibiotics, rehydration fluid, simple pain killers, anti-diarrhoea meds, antibiotic and fungal creams, and if climbing steroids and frusemide for AMS.
* Buy a boat. Australia, New Zealand and the UK, require all boats sailing beyond coastal limits to carry a comprehensive medical kit. This includes antibiotics, strong narcotic analgesia and a variety of other meds. Although not a legal requirement in the US, I imagine most MD's would happily equip an ocean going yacht with a comprehensive medical kit, especially if you can demonstrate a basic medical knowledge. The US Public Health service offers suggested medications and equipment, depending on numbers and expected isolation.
The most important survival tool is the mind and the attitude it takes."
From "Tom Brown's Field Guide To Wilderness Survival"The Psychology of Survival
http://hikingbackpacking.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_psychology_of_survivalPsychology of Wilderness & Outdoor Survival
Many links.Psychology of Survival
http://www.survivaliq.com/survival/psychology-of-survival_s3.htmPsychology of Self-Defense
http://www.survivaliq.com/survival/psychology-of-survival_s3.htmPREPAREDNESS MANUALS
"For the truly prepared there is no such thing as an emergency."LDS Preparedness Manual
(free download)Dare To Prepare, by Holly Deyo
http://standeyo.com/Our_Books/DTP.htmlNo Such Thing As Doomsday, by Philip J. Hoag
http://www.amazon.com/No-Such-Thing-As-Doomsday/dp/1888865016When Technology Fails, by Matthew Stein
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933392452?ie=UTF8&tag=survivalcom-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1933392452Captain Dave's Survival Guide
Free on-lineThe American Frugal Housewife (1838)
Free downloadDisaster Preparedness: Principles Of Self-Sufficiency
Free on-lineUnderstanding and Surviving Martial Law
$49.95, downloadable ebook, print book, audio book
(We suggest several families chip in for this book and share it.)SANITATION http://www.hesperian.info/assets/environmental/EHB_Sanitation_EN_lowres.pdf
Free downloadA Community Guide to Environmental Health
http://www.hesperian.org/publications_download_EHB.phpSawdust Toilet -- sustainable -- hygienic -- cheap
http://www.weblife.org/humanure/chapter8_2.htmlEnd Times Report: Sanitation
http://endtimesreport.com/sanitation.htmlSHELTER/STORAGE Interesting passage from "War & Peace" by Leo Tolstoy.
Written in the 1860's, some people consider this the greatest novel of all time. At one point, Tolstoy describes an earth hut used by Russian soldiers for winter encampment in 1807:"This earth hut was constructed according to a plan much in vogue at that time: a trench three-and-a-half feet wide, a little less than five deep, and about eight long was dug. At one end steps were constructed, and this formed the entry, the 'grand staircase'; the trench itself constituted the abode, in which those who were fortunate, as for instance, the squadron commander, had a board set on posts on the side opposite the entrance; this served as a table. On each side along the trench the earth was hollowed away to half its depth, making a bed and divan. The roof was so constructed that in the middle it was possible to stand erect under it, and one could sit up on the beds by leaning over toward the table . . . . When it was very cold, coals from the soldiers' fires were brought on a bent piece of sheet iron and set on the steps . . . . This made it so warm that the officers . . . could sit there in their shirt sleeves."
(From http://www.nepanewsletter.com/survival.html)
From the book "Tom Brown's Field Guide to Wilderness Survival". "This book teaches technique, as well as helps you cultivate a proper attitude and demeanor in assessing and dealing with a survival situation. The paperback sells for around $11.70 (amazon.com)."
The most important survival tool is the mind and the attitude it takes.
When you are productively involved, there's no time to dwell on how miserable you are.
You can survive for a month or more without eating. Your priority is shelter from the elements.
You can make a good warm shelter in most any region using only the materials around you, without tools.
Comfort is not your primary objective. Warmth and dryness is.
Most people build their shelters larger than is necessary.
With the debris around you, you can build a shelter that's practically impervious to water and can protect you from temperatures found in the Russian Arctic. It's called a debris hut (http://www.nepanewsletter.com/hut).
The best thatching materials are long grasses and reeds. A carefully made thatched hut can withstand winds of 75 miles per hour, and maybe more.
A mixture of mud and fibrous material such as grasses will make a surprisingly strong, water-resistant cement.
A relatively simple structure such as a Rock Hogan can practically be warmed by candlelight (see http://georflf.com/survival_tips.htm).
A bed lined with cedar shavings will help keep insects to a minimum. In addition, shake it out every few days.
None of the shelter vendors have been verified by us.
Culvert Shelters
http://www.matrixkey.com/UndergroundSafeRoom.htmFerrocement Dome Homes
http://www.motherearthnews.com/Modern-Homesteading/1978-11-01/Concrete-Dome-Home.aspxEarth-bermed Homes
http://www.green-trust.org/bagend.htm (Hobbit Homes)FEMA: Building a Saferoom in Your Home or Business
http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/saferoom/fema320.shtm (free download)
A way to fortify your home if you decide to shelter in place.Home Emergency Shelters (in general)
http://www.madehow.com/Volume-6/Storm-Shelter.htmlSandbag Shelters
http://www.scribd.com/doc/17046124/Building-an-Earthbag-DomeShipping-container Housing
http://www.shipping-container-housing.com/index.htmlStraw-bale Homes
http://www.learnstrawbale.com/dvds/load-bearing1.htmlUnderground and Aboveground Shelters
http://www.safecastle.com/SPIRITUAL Get your spiritual house in order, whatever will give you comfort in the coming dark days. We can't provide recommendations other than for Christians, but we are sure you will know what you need to do according to your own religious/spiritual beliefs. We encourage you to not neglect this very important topic. Be sure to join one of the spiritual groups at earthchanges.ning.com.
VALLEY FEVER After the Northridge Earthquake, Valley Fever sprung up in the San Fernando Valley (suburb of Los Angeles) and neighboring Ventura County. There was an article in the Ventura County Star that linked the disease coccidioidomycosis, commonly known as "Valley Fever," to a dust cloud that resulted from the January 1994, 6.7 magnitude Northridge earthquake. Spores of a fungus occurring naturally in local soil were carried in a dust cloud over Simi Valley where it caused a miniature epidemic, according to Ventura County Public Health Officer, Dr. Gary Feldman. Valley fever accounted for four deaths out of 52 reported cases in 1993 and at least five deaths since the 1994 earthquake. And while Feldman does not consider it a public health threat, he states that there might be more people who have the disease who don't know it because of its flu-like symptoms. Generally, it's mild, but since some people died from it, it's not non-fatal. It originally was said to be in the soil of the dry parts of the southwest U.S., however, we have read that this fungus is now found world-wide due to the Jet Stream.
Valley Fever link: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/press_r/louie.htm
Valley Fever remedies:
http://www.desbio.com/database.html?id=VALL&s=Valley%20Fever%20RemedyWATER Water for Life http://www.hesperian.info/assets/environmental/Water_EN.pdf
Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water http://www.epa.gov/OGWDW/faq/emerg.html
British Berkefeld Water Filter
Katadyn Pocket MicroFilter
http://www.katadyn.com/usen/Solar Still
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_stillEnd Times Report: Water
http://endtimesreport.com/water.htmlCopyright 2003-2010 Apocalyptic Housewife. All rights reserved.