We are OB1 Enterprises of Floyd, Virginia d/b/a www.apocalyptichousewife.com. Apocalyptichousewife.com was started in 2003 on www.angelfire.com, but we did not offer anything for sale at that time, just free information. We migrated the website to godaddy.com at the start of 2009. Our email is on the homepage and repeated here, chenel@swva.net. We are a "mom and pop" home business. Before this, we ran a real estate title examination company in Floyd, established in the year 2000 (which we had to close recently because of the economy) and, before that, one of us holds a Certificate In Paralegal Studies and worked as a paralegal and researcher, completed three years of college that included one semester of first year law school courses, and who also obtained a Level 2 Certificate in Aromatherapy (essential oils), and the other holds a Bachelor's degree in Christian Education, and was an educator and real estate professional.
Our "authority" in regards to preparedness is "been there, done that" and if we haven't, we say so and point you to a relevant website. We are not the final word on the subject of preparedness but we know a lot and, again, the purpose of this Guide is not to tell you how to do or make things, but how to find the relevant information. This Guide is a gateway to the survival and preparedness (S&P) side of the World Wide Web and there are plenty of side trips to take later. But for now, the Guide takes you on a tour of the better S&P websites and by so doing gets you acquainted with preparedness and survival terminology. This is basically what we did when we first started. It was slow going and we hit some rough spots, but you are lucky, you get the guided tour.