The object in this NASA image looks familiar, doesn't it? In fact, it looks just like Planet X, according to Nancy Lieder and her ZetaTalk. She has claimed for years that Planet X is out by the Sun. However, this "Planet X" seems to either be firing what looks like an energy beam toward the sun, or is extracting energy from it. Suddenly, Lieder's "Planet X" doesn't look like a planet surrounded by a dust cloud with moon swirls in its wings and tail. It looks like a starship.
This explains why the object, which many have been led to believe is Planet X, has been seen bouncing all over NASA's images, not limiting its position to 4 o'clock or even staying below the ecliptic at all times.
To explain this object's divergence from the official story, numerous excuses were offered: the cameras were bobbling, Earth was being pushed above and below the ecliptic to simulate seasons, Earth was pushed back in her orbit, Earth was wobbling, and so on.
Something wasn't adding up so we examined the most reasonable excuse, the bobbling cameras, and did not find it to be credible. See http://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/bobbling-nasa-cameras?x.... Since the most reasonable of the excuses isn't credible one should necessarily be wary of the ones that simply cannot be verified.
So, if it wasn't bobbling cameras causing the winged object to appear where it shouldn't be (otherwise we would already have experienced the passage, according to the story), then what else could it be?
The only reasonable explanation is the winged object is a starship patrolling the neighborhood. That's why it appeared close up, then far away. Sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right. Sometimes at the top, sometimes at the bottom. Why? Simple. Because it is an artificial, self-propelled vehicle. As proof, consider the distances it traveled and how fast it did so, as well as the changes in course. There is no way this object is a planet or a comet. As further proof, you will see a picture in the comments below of an image of the "winged thingy" turned 90 degrees sideways, like a starship maneuvering. Planets and comets don't act like that. Also, on enlargement two separate heat sources are seen, one in the main body and one in the tail. Another indication that this is a self-propelled vehicle. So, let's follow the story to its logical conclusion. Based on the well-known details, if the object is PX and it rose above the ecliptic, solar forces above the ecliptic would have assisted it to jet out of our solar system the first time it crossed the ecliptic and the passage would have already happened.
Further, what we have been led to believe is a "string of pearls" appears to be an energy beam of some sort. The ship is firing on our Sun (or perhaps absorbing energy from the Sun) and it has its shields up, presumably to keep from being fried by the Sun! Notice the distortion waves around the ship, 2 rings: one inner and one outer. Those waves have been misdiagnosed as the signature moons in PX's tail.
What is the significance of this picture? It proves that the object seen on NASA's imaging is NOT Planet X and those saying it is Planet X are in error. It also proves that Planet X is not between the Sun and the Earth.
Ah, but to err is human, is it not?
NOTE: This means that the alleged second sun sightings are most likely sunlight reflecting off of metallic UFO's, at least in the northern hemisphere.